Current Status

Repo Status Current Version Start Date End of Support Comment
✅BoTechUpdate no Release Version published. v1.0.2.Beta 20.12.23 Undef A Release Version will be coming soon for Desktop Clients.
✅BoTech-Marketplace no Release Version published. v1.0.4.Beta 20.12.23 Undef Waiting for other Repos to be released.
ℹ️ISim no Release Version published. v1.0.3.Beta 26.09.23 Undef Migration from WPF to Avalonia.
ℹ️Api no Release Version published v1.0.5.PreRelease 01.04.24 Undef Coming soon with the BoTechUpdate Client.
✅Webpage Some bug Fixes by the Download Page v1.0.1.Beta 01.04.24 Undef We are trying to get our new 3D library into the release stage.

Version History

BoTech Update


BoTech Marketplace



Version Published Description Type (Update) End of Support Comment
V1.0.3.PreRelease 09.08.2024 File Download => Issue #3 --none-- 09.08.2024 --none--
V1.0.2.PreRelease 09.08.2024 File (init.json) Loading and Unload Issues => Issue #2 --none-- 09.08.2024 --none--
V1.0.1.PreRelease 04.07.2024 Initial Create and New publication of the 3D Library. --none-- 08.08.2024 --none--