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26 Segment Display

... Florian Teetz
Published: 04.08.24

Project: 26 Segment Display

I love segment displays and am particularly fascinated by segment displays that have many segments. Unfortunately, I could never find a finished display with more than 16 segments on any sales platform. So I thought to myself: I've been able to do what others can do for a long time... " So I started designing and printing a segment display. Mine has a total of 26 segments. A website that inspired me:

What the display should be able to do:

  1. The complete alphabet with lower and upper case letters should be able to be displayed.
  2. Several displays should be able to be connected to one another using connectors to form large displays.

Current Status:

  1. If have designed this Display I think a year ago and never touched this Project again.
  2. But I will finish it some day...